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Our Philisophy 

Shannon Braun

PT, DPT, SMFA, Certified Functional Dry Needling L1, PN Level 1 Nutrition Certified Coach

I graduated from the University of Kansas Medical Center in 2021 with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Over the past few years, I have developed an interest in nutrition and treating the body more holistically. In my own search for reliable nutrition information, I realized there is a lot of conflicting advice out there about healthy eating. It felt impossible to know which sources I could trust. My goal is to empower clients with trustworthy and evidence-based nutrition guidance. I completed the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach certification in 2023. I am passionate about collaborating with clients to build healthy habits for a balanced life, fostering a positive relationship with food and their bodies – all without feeling restricted.


Greg Hollenbeck

PT, DPT, OCS, SFMA, CF-L1, Certified Sportsmetrics, Certified Functional Dry Needling L2, PN1-NC

I graduated from Rockhurst University in 2010 with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.  My interests have gravitated toward exercise performance, wellness and general health over my career.  I began getting more interested in detailed nutritional philosophies and practices for personal reasons initially; wanting to see if I could generally feel better, have more energy, recover from workouts and improve performance through changes in diet.  I completed my certification from Precision Nutrition to become a PN Level 1 Nutrition Certified Coach in 2021.  I enjoy working with clients to make changes in their nutrition that fits their lifestyle and helps them achieve their goals.  I believe that understanding why you are eating a certain way is important to true lasting change, that is sustainable over time. 


​​We understand the confusion surrounding conflicting information and fad diets. Our personalized approach empowers you to navigate nutrition with confidence.  We focus more on the whole person, education and guidance instead of the same plan and strategies for everyone.  Nutrition is very personal and individualized, nutritional coaching should be as well.  We do not follow 1 “diet”; we encourage healthy eating habits that can work with your lifestyle.


  • Empowering clients to make sustainable lifestyle changes, not just follow restrictive plans

  • ​Nutrition services not just for weight management goals - other benefits include increased energy, improved workout recovery times, stronger performance, better sleep, overall health 

  • ​Not a quick fix, investment in sustainable long-term well being 

  • Integrating nutrition and exercise - optimize movement, nutrition, and overall performance 


  • Achieve lasting weight management goals

  • Improve energy levels and overall well-being

  • Develop sustainable healthy eating habits

  • Address specific dietary concerns (allergies, gut health, etc.)

  • Gain knowledge and tools for empowered choices

What does it entail?:

  • Initial Consultation (via Zoom): Understand your unique needs and goals

  • Develop a personalized plan: Tailored diet and lifestyle recommendations

  • Ongoing support through monthly check-ins (via Zoom)

  • Coaching, guidance, and accountability

  • Recipe inspiration and meal planning support

  • Access to educational resources and tools

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Initial nutrition consultation

  • (30-minute Zoom meeting)

  • Discuss your goals, current eating preferences, lifestyle considerations (activity level, any specific diet practices/restrictions)

  • 2-week follow up included to develop your initial plan 



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Monthly Check-In Meetings

(15-minute Zoom meeting)

  • Email check-ins as needed in between sessions

  • Priced at $60/month with minimum 3-month commitment 


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3-Day Meal Plan

  • Email

  • Breakfast

  • Lunch

  • Dinner

  • Snacks






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